YWCA is on a mission and YWCA Bethlehem is making it our own!

Child Care, Adult Day Service Center, YWCA Bethlehem

To empower women and eliminate racism, we must meet our clients where they are most vulnerable and provide the compassion and services that place them on a path to self-sufficiency and prosperity.

This requires a focus on the future, anticipating the needs of our clients, and creating innovative solutions to the problems they most often face – poverty, unsafe living conditions, lack of reliable and affordable childcare, and under- or unemployment.

We are always evolving our services to meet the changing needs of our Bethlehem community today and in the future.

Prom Shop for Annual Meet, Adult Day Service Center, YWCA Bethlehem

Our approach to serving our community is centered in holistic, strategic, and innovative approaches.

Nationally, YWCA advocacy issues include lobbying for pay equity and hate crimes legislation, increased funding for Head Start and passing the Violence Against Women Act. Locally, through our programs, we work to improve lives and restoring hope for women, their families, and our community!

Our Services

Youth Programs

YWCA Bethlehem is dedicated to advancing opportunity for our youth through various programs aimed at enhancing educational opportunities and leadership development through collaborative partnership with Bethlehem Area School District and various community partners.

Senior Services

YWCA Bethlehem offers senior services through our Adult Day Service Center providing quality care with dignity to seniors in our community.

Research and Advocacy

YWCA Bethlehem works locally to promote the bold mission we share with YWCA USA to eliminate racism and empower women. YWCA Bethlehem works to engage our community to better understand issues affecting Bethlehem in relation to our mission and vision as an antiracist organization.